Join the Church Lab as we take our online dialogues outdoors!
Find a time to gather on the weekend of April 29th to May 1st, pick a starting point to meet, and invite your family, friends, coworkers, pets, imaginary friends, & more out to do some laps in support of TCL. We'll give you some dynamic questions to jumpstart your conversations. The miles will fly by as you engage!
Take a photo of your group, post it with #TheChurchLap and tag @TheChurchLab so we can celebrate your ChurchLap with you!
This is a great opportunity to learn more about The Church Lab and donate to support our mission after your laps. Can’t attend, but still want to support TCL? Or perhaps you CAN attend and are looking for a way to donate to this no-cost event?
Go to and please write “The Church LAP” in the memo line!
Jumpstart Questions for your Church LAP convo:
1) To you, what is dialogue? What is its purpose? What does it accomplish in terms of making change in the world?
2) How does dialogue (or if you're new to it, how could you imagine that dialogue would) deepen or sharpen your faith, whatever belief system you have?
3) Who are the people in your life (no need to name them if confidential or sensitive) you wish you could build a bridge with conversationally, relationally? What impact would it have on you, them, and the people you have in common, if you could approach x, y or z topic?
4) In any sphere of your life, do you know someone who tends to be a sincere bridge builder in the way they relate to others? What are they like? What do you notice about how they approach topics or regard others?
5) Do you have a personal story of how dialogue has changed your life or the life of someone you love? If you're comfortable sharing, please do!
*Join us anytime for TCL's dialogues! We meet 6:30-8:30pm Central both on Zoom or IRL in Austin. Subscribe to our mailchimp at to receive event deets each Thursday and for RSVP opportunities. We focus on dialogue in the lab, but we also have other experiments around service, Christian-specific disciplship and inter-faith friendly worship. We use the lessons we learn in the lab to build consulting projects for other faith communities to embrace experiments relevant to their mission. We offer workshops and trainings on Navigating Divisive Conversations and Facilitators' Training about twice a year each. Email Carrie at for more info!