The Church Lab (TCL) developed in 2013 in response to a growing need for innovative ministry experiments. People may be fleeing institutional religion, but the need for an enriching space to ask spiritual questions, and to be in a context that allows us all to spiritually grow, is timeless and universal. TCL is here to creatively meet spiritual needs, no matter who you are - whether you have sprinted away from religion, have a devout traditional faith practice, or even if you don't know how to characterize your faith in this moment.We support participants developing nuance, depth and specificity in their faith commitments as they grow, in whatever way they deem fitting.
As we encounter spiritual growth alongside each other, we inevitably help the Church discover her future. As we learn without blueprints, both in our content and operationally, we eagerly share what we’re learning with others! We spend considerable time working with Christian pastors, churches, innovative faith leaders and practitioners who wish to learn from our experiments, if not get support in setting up their own!
As the various tectonic plates of this transitional era significantly shift both our culture and the nature of religious participation, The Church Lab is eager to serve those who are ready to embrace creative wonder and worship with awe for what God is doing in our midst. We hope you will join us as our experiments contribute to unfolding the future of faith practice.