Dialogue: Why Is There Suffering?
Join us for a poignant session for experienced TCL dialoguers. We will explore the relationship of our belief system and faith tradition with the existence of suffering.
Join us for a poignant session for experienced TCL dialoguers. We will explore the relationship of our belief system and faith tradition with the existence of suffering.
Join us for a dialogue which considers our belief systems and faith practices with the way we engage social media, news communication and even intergenerational communication across various channels.
Join us for a dialogue that examines the mysterious stories in our lives in which we have wondered or suspected God’s/god’s/gods’/deities/the universe’s/Spirit’s/etc intervention or participation. What do we make of these mysteries, with our belief systems and faith traditions in mind?
Join us for a dialogue where we consider our faith traditions and belief systems when it comes to dialogue and activism? Are they important practices in your lens? Are they at odds, or do they help one another? Similarly, what is the healthy versus actual relationship between government and religion? Come consider the relationship of standing up for what is right, public advocacy, justice seeking, civics and faith…all done while seeking to understand before being understood…?
Join us for a dialogue exploring the dynamics of God, spirituality, faith practice and artificial intelligence. Is one a threat to the other? Could they become the same thing? Are they a complement to one another? Come consider this timely topic with us.
Join us for a day of service in which we gather to serve around a common cause! Check out Casa Marianella here!
This topic is for experienced TCL dialoguers who touch base with Pastor Carrie about participating beforehand. We will consider physical places our faith traditions consider to be holy or sacred. What makes them so? What is it like to approach a sacred space or holy place to our belief system? How does our theological lens inform how we honor sacred places while also grappling with the destructive actions+conflicts that have -and are often- associated with them?
Join us for a special evening of nerding out over a theological topic!
Join us for a dialogue about the relationship of religion and culture. Are they friends, foes, both or neither? Come consider the various layers and angles of this inevitable, terrible, wonderful dynamic.
Join us for a dialogue where we dive into a vulnerable question: What do I struggle with about my own belief system? What are the challenges I wrestle with, the parts of my faith tradition I don’t always like? What does it mean to continue to be a part of this belief system, even in the thick of this wrestling? What makes it worth it?
Join us for a fun, reflective dialogue exploring our belief systems’ influence on our experience of awe, wonder and play. Especially in tough times, these can be some of our most important considerations. See you there!
Join us for a dialogue which poses a timely question for many of us: What does our belief systems say about love of neighbor, or perhaps tolerance, when we are in a dynamic with intolerant or unloving dynamics?
Join us for our first dialogue of the year! This is a great dialogue for those who have never tried it before. If you join IRL, we will offer a potluck option, but all are welcome, whether via Zoom or in-person.
We will be talking about 2 experiences which have been said to be twins: grief and joy. Come consider the ways that our belief systems and faith practices undergird our experiences -and understanding of- these 2 common human experiences.
This is a great way to get the year started, just on the heels of Inauguration Day and MLK, Jr., Day!
Please join as we conclude the year with a lighthearted dialogue, while pausing to commemorate TCL’s annual commitment to donating 10% of TCL’s budget to causes we love as a multi-faith community. We’ll also celebrate our year together as we prepare to pause for the holidays! Please email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
RSVP HERE! Join us for our last dialogue of the year! We’ll be sharing stories of where our faith and/or spirituality has brought us Hope. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
RSVP HERE Join us for part two of our post-election dialogue reflection. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
RSVP HERE! However it went, it’s a good time for dialogue. Join us as we reflect on how to be bridgebuilders in the election results and aftermath. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
RSVP HERE! Please join us! Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
At a time in the world where politics is often more divisive than religion, join us to devote a posture of seeking to understand before being understood (as St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer says).
At a time in the world where politics is often more divisive than religion, join us to devote a posture of seeking to understand before being understood (as St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer says).
Join us for a dialogue about intervention, whether your faith says God intervenes, or perhaps loved ones or strangers have intervened, in a life-altering manner that would not have occurred had you kept chugging along without them. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
Join us for hangtime with anyone in TCL’s sphere! Location TBA as the date nears. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info!
Join us for a dialogue about our faith and the role of persecution. Persecution can have many faces, as can our responses, as influenced by our faith. What does it look like for you? Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
Join us for hangtime with anyone in TCL’s sphere! Location TBA as the date nears. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info!
Join us for this special annual dialogue in which our board of directors join us! We will gather to listen and learn from each other about our journeys with faith and irreconcilable differences. What does it mean for us to love our neighbor when we do not and will not see eye to eye? Please join! Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
How does your faith influence the way you engage your online life, and then how does your online life influence your faith? What does the road look like between your online and offline behavior? Join us for this crucial and fascinating exploration from our various perspectives and wisdom. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.
Join us for hangtime with anyone in TCL’s sphere! Location TBA as the date nears. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info!
Join us for a storytelling-centered dialogue in which we will offer stories about times when we were transformed in our lives and what brought it about. Was faith a direct contributor, and how was your faith impacted by the experience? Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info!
Walk a labyrinth with us in a downtown park followed by dinner out together!
Join us for a dialogue on the role of navigating uncertainty and how our belief systems and faith traditions informs how we wrestle with just that.
Join us for a spotlight dialogue, where we will learn from a guest of honor and base our dialogue around their life experience with faith practice. Keep an eye out for details in our weekly mailchimps!
Join us to connect with other TCL folks in ways we may not have a chance to during TCL dialogues, events or cohort meetings!
Veterans who have attended at least 3 recent dialogues are invited to this special dialogue on a sensitive-yet-vital topic for dialogue: sanctity of life. Thank you for being a part of this tender, courageous conversation which our belief systems often inform so directly.
Join in for a dialogue on what it means to belong, and how our belief systems inform our experience and influence on experiences of belonging.
Join us to nerd out about theology! Topic TBD when it gets closer. Look out for specifics in our weekly Thursday mailchimps!
Join us for a North Austin hangout! Come connect with people in ways you might not get a chance to at TCL events or cohort meetings!
Join us for a dialogue about multi-verse concepts. Is it just for sci-fi books and Marvel movies, or does it relate to your faith tradition, too?
TCL's Hang Night this month is a movie night and discussion! That means it is also friendly to local and far away friends alike! The Pope: Answers is a documentary in which young people come to the pope with their unbridled questions about religion. Can't wait to check this out and talk about it together!