Election Season Dialogue Series

Photo by Marek Studzinski

As we head into the thick of election season, TCL is getting ready to offer up some politically-centered dialogues. We hope to provide impactful support as many of us serve as both activists AND bridgebuilders leading into and coming out of Election Day on Nov 5.

TCL will hold a series of dialogues this fall:

  • a Republican spotlight on Sept 30

  • a Democrat spotlight on Oct 7

  • a post-election debrief dialogue on Nov 11

All are 6-8pm Central. They can be attended IRL or online, with an RSVP to carrie@thechurchlab.org.

What is a spotlight dialouge?
A spotlight dialogue is where we will spend a chunk of initial time showcasing a voice or voices from a particular political party, and what their experiences are like. I will provide support and help to spotlight voices so they feel ready and steady, and so I can facilitate the whole group dialoguing the rest of the session around themes that will come up from the spotlight voices. 

Would you like to be a spotlight voice?
If you are willing to share your perspective as a "spotlight voice" of what it's like to be a part of your political party in this moment in history, we'd love that! It'd be so helpful for others to better understand your world and where you're coming from. Please click the RSVP link below and write to let us know you're game to share your perspective by August 30 for the Republican dialogue, or by Sept 7 for the Democrat dialogue.

Want to share but not as the spotlight voice?
If you want to share your voice, but you're hesitant, you're welcome to email me and I'll zap you 10 questions to answer in writing or on a video of 3-7 minutes (either one would work well) that we could share out during group time. I'd need your responses by or before Sept 9 for the Republican dialogue and Sept 23 for the Democrat dialogue.

Want to observe but not share?
If you just want to observe one or both of these dialogues, you can RSVP and simply let us know that you're observing anytime before 10am the morning of the dialogue.

Otherwise, you are welcome to simply come participate in the dialogue (no need to be a "spotlight voice,") so long as the ground rules we introduce at the beginning of the dialogue are amenable to you. RSVP's for participants can also be done anytime before 10am the day of the dialogue.

Please don't hesitate to lmk if you're interested!

With gratitude,
