photo credit: Anna Kolosyuk

TCL Consulting Project Possibilities


Who Will We Be Next?

photo credit: Karim Ghantous

Faith communities are often in need of asking themselves who God is leading them to grow into, if not also how to process the grief and joys of changes involved. TCL is ready to walk with leaders and communities who would benefit from accompaniment on this road to the next chapter.

Secret Shopping

photo credit: Josh Applegate

Upon request, The Church Lab will send one or multiple visitors to your church during a window of time, in keeping with the sorts of visitors you may be wondering about in terms of how welcome they feel or any other aspect of their experience you hope to learn more about. Perhaps this is a curiosity about Millennials or Gen Z, or perhaps about folks who are unfamiliar with church or your denomination. It may be families with children that you’re wondering about most these days.

You won’t know who they are or when precisely they visited, but we will conduct an informal focus group with those who visited and then decide together with you what the best format to share the results -and possible encouragement and next steps in going forward. We may have a meeting with the staff, or present findings with lay leadership, or some combination.

This is often a fun and enlightening project for all involved!

Money and God

photo credit: Fabian Blank


21st Century Tools &

Any Way We Can Help!

photo credit: Eric Krull

Everyone’s two favorite subjects combined!

In all seriousness, TCL is here to help faith leaders and communities tend to the question: “How does our financial model nurture our mission, rather than hold it hostage?” How do we draw closer to God by bringing our generosity into conversation, rather than shy away from it? When money is drying up, and our church may close, how do we make sure to be good stewards of God’s Love without letting anxiety and fear drive our decisions instead?

TCL is excited to share with faith communities and leaders what we are learning about the future of faith practice, and how church families can better understand why people are leaving church, the nature of timeless and intergenerational spiritual needs, and good windows through which to watch what God is unfolding among us for the future of faith practice, and how we may participate in it.

Most importantly, TCL is here to help and support spiritual growth for all, both inside and outside of faith community environments, and even to build bridges of understanding between these two worlds where meaningful. We love it when we get calls like, “We have a wild idea! Do you want in?”

Give us a ring and let us know your ideas for how we might partner with and support you, help you, root you on. We would love to walk with you as you seek to have spiritual roots and to pour out meaningful branches of care to our wider communities.